Hi, i am Martin

I will help you find new clients using design.

I will help your business be present on the internet and look professional. That way your potential clients will start believing in you and choose you as a partner.


How can I be useful to you?

Do you want to take your business to a new level, find your ideal clients and increase revenue? I can help you with that, by following services:

Website design

Professional website helps customers find you on the internet, creates trust in your services and acts as a 24/7 working salesman, bringing you in new clients.

Visual identity design

Tailor-made logo, carefully selected colors, fonts and images represent your values and attract your ideal customers.

Social media design

Professionally designed social media builds trust, creates a community for your service, and converts interested ones into buying clients.

To a completely new level

I will design your business to a new level

You are offering a great service, but you may find that you lack sufficient flow of clients, your business doesn’t attract the right type of clients or you’re tired of having to constantly explain your value.

You’d like to have more clients, charge a worthy rate for your service, and attract the type of clients that you actually like as people. 

I can help you with that.

Professional design

How is design the answer?

Brings you more customers

It creates trust when your business looks professional. Trust brings you more clients.

You can charge higher rates

When your business looks professional, people assume your service to be professional as well. Professional design aids you in charging higher (actually worthy) rates for your service.

Brings to you your ideal clients

Carefully selected visuals represent your values and connect with people that share the same values. That way, the kind of people that you would really like to work for – your ideal clients – will come to you.

The problem is not you

You need a professional solution

Perhaps you’ve tried to get by yourself, created you own business’ visuals or bought them as services from various service providers, but the results still don’t serve your needs.

The problem is not you. You have good values, you’re doing a great job. You just need a website and visual identity that represents all that.

I can help you.

Why I am different

What is it like working with me?

Perhaps you’ve come across service providers that create works without delving deeper into you and your business.

I on the other hand promise you:

I will listen to you. I will create an atmosphere that is to-the-point, but friendly and pleasant. I will be your fan, as it was our mutual undertaking (it is). I will put my heart into the project. I am thorough, to the end. 

In short – I will make sure you are well taken care of during the entire process.  


How do I achieve this?

In every design project I follow a proven process, that always guarantees a working result.


I will determine the needs of your business, we set goals and priorities.


I will thoroughly get to know your field, competitors, trends and target customers.


Creative stage based on the collected info. Idea generation and analysis. With pen & paper.

Creating concepts

I shape the ideas on the computer into real concept designs.


I will carefully listen to your feedback on the concept drafts and will make needed changes.


I hand over finished work and launch final solutions.



KOHALT is the world’s first smart cleaning chemical cabinet. My job was to create a website and visual identity for this great start-up.

Your Real Estate Partner

Your Real Estate Partner is a real estate agency that offers customer-oriented real estate brokerage services. My task was to create a visual identity, website, print and social media for them.


ISB offers innovative solutions in technical systems. My task has been to create a visual identity for them, the design of social media, prints, corporate clothing, vehicles and the website to match the visual identity.

Gemelo Heat Pumps

Gemelo Heat Pumps offers high-quality heat pump installation service in Saaremaa. My task was to create a visual identity, website, print and social media for them.

MAMA noodles

MAMA noodles are the most popular noodles in Thailand and Finland. My task was updating their visual identity and creating a new website.

Let's get in touch

I create thoroughly thought-out solutions for your business.

You are an expert in your work. No one expects you to be also an expert in design. Fortunately, I am 😊 I will be happy to help you so that you can focus on what you are best at, with new results.

Let's talk

Start a conversation

In order to start a conversation with me, fill out the contact form below. Within 2 working days I will send you an email with a few clarifying questions and a link where you can book a brief non-binding video call with me to determine your needs.

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